Professional Cleaning Services in Chester
Our Local Cleaners. Our Licensed Cleaning Services. Your Home. Your Office.

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Testimonials and Feedback

  • Sweep and Swab Chester Melissa Reid

    You guys really are lifesavers. My husband had some friends over in our house for his birthday. Cleaning is the one thing I said I won’t do after all the cooking and preparation I did for the party. The domestic cleaners I booked from you did an outstanding job that would have taken me a month to do. You are true experts and on my speed-dial from now on.

    5 Average rating 5 out of 5 based on 1 reviews
  • Sweep and Swab Chester Nicole Barton

    Great service, you saved me a ton of time from tiresome cleaning. Now the high-traffic areas on my carpets are just unrecognisable, you can’t even tell the carpet is 15 years old. Although some stains did not come out, as your cleaner said, I am happy with the outcome.

    4 Average rating 9 out of 5 based on 2 reviews
  • Sweep and Swab Chester Abbie Davidson

    I can’t find the right words to express my gratitude… your window cleaners were just amazing! They cleaned my windows and there were no streaks left. They even offered to clean the sills and frames as part of the services. Truly outstanding work guys, thank you.

    5 Average rating 14 out of 5 based on 3 reviews
  • Sweep and Swab Chester Zoe Hudson

    Of all the cleaning companies I have tried, you are by far the most reliable one! I am extremely grateful you were able to respond to my rescheduling request of our appointment on such short notice. You really are professionals in terms of customer support and cleaning services, thank you.

    5 Average rating 19 out of 5 based on 4 reviews
  • Sweep and Swab Chester Aaron Ross

    I’ve recently bought one of those self-cleaning ovens and thought that oven cleaning is out of my to-do list. I couldn’t have been more wrong… yes, it gets cleaned to some extent but not the way I want to. I booked a session with you and I can happily say that I’m satisfied with the results and you are going to be the ones to take on a part of my cleaning to-do list.

    4 Average rating 23 out of 5 based on 5 reviews